
Same Day Appointments

Same Day Appointments

Same Day Appointments services offered in Bellevue, WA

If you need same-day medical attention for an illness or injury, but you’re not so sick as to need to go to the ER, then a same-day appointment is the perfect solution. The highly experienced health care team at Medical Arts Associates P.S. in Bellevue, Washington, offers same-day appointments and a walk-in clinic for you in the familiar setting. Call Medical Arts Associates P.S. or request a same-day appointment online today.

Same Day Appointments Q & A

What are same-day appointments?

You need same-day appointments when you have an illness or injury that requires same-day attention but doesn’t warrant a trip to the emergency room.

However, there are many instances where you might need to be seen quickly for less serious health problems, in which case same-day appointments are more appropriate.

What kinds of conditions are treated during same-day appointments?

Same-day appointments could cover anything that you don’t think can wait for a routine appointment with your primary care physician. Examples of same-day appointments conditions would include:

  • Minor injuries that may need stitches
  • Mild to moderate asthma attacks
  • Eye infections or irritation
  • Flu
  • Fractured toes or fingers
  • Acute, moderate back injuries
  • Severe sore throat
  • Nasty cough
  • Skin rashes
  • Sprains and strains
  • Urinary problems
  • Fever
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Dehydration

These are all conditions that would benefit from prompt medical treatment but aren’t life-threatening. In some cases, what starts as a moderate issue can escalate into something more serious. For example, a urinary tract infection that’s left untreated could lead to a kidney infection.

Where should I go for same-day appointments?

Same-day appointments often require you to visit a separate medical center rather than your family doctor, but Medical Arts Associates P.S. provides both family medicine and same-day appointments under one roof. Same-day appointments are always the same-day, and you can just walk in if you have an urgent medical problem.

Whether you have a long-term health issue, non-urgent symptoms, or you need urgent same-day care, Medical Arts Associates P.S. can provide everything you need. Call the office to learn more or request a same-day appointment online.